Summary of technical changes in agrirouter 2.0
The migration from agrirouter 1.0 to agrirouter 2.0 in 2023 was not just a complete rebuild of the old system. A lot of functionalities were rethought to simplify the user experience. The following topics were adjusted:
A completely new User Interface:
The user interface now shows the routings more interactively.
The differentiation between onFarm-Software and onField-Devices is clearly visible
Account pairing was removed. The feature was not used and only lead to confusion.
Machine endpoints removed : EFDI telemetry messages are not used for creating machine endpoints within agrirouter anymore. The device description message is still required to inform all other endpoints.
Reonboarding VCUs is now supported: This also enables Telemetry Platforms to rename their VCUs. Conflicts between manual user renaming and TPs renaming the VCUs are resolved with “last update wins”.
External IDs' uniqueness was rescoped to tenant(account)+application. Potential previous issues caused by namespace collision are prevented.
Switching GatewayID MQTT<→HTTP is now allowed: Data loss could happen during switch from MQTT to HTTP and vice-versa. It may only be used for migration from one gateway to the other, please contact us before trying it.
Multiple redirect URLs can now be set: The first redirect URL set comes into play when an authorize request does not provide a redirect URL (or an invalid one) an authorize request’s redirect_uri should always be set.
ErrorCodes more clearly defined:
Codes VAL_000004 and VAL_000005 received a clear definition:
All routings fail ⇒ VAL_000004
some but not all routings fail ⇒ VAL_000005
publish only ⇒ no error even if no partner found
Onboarding VCU onto something other than a telemetry platform, error VAL_000303 "Not allowed to send message type %technicalMessageType%" is used.
Revoking answer simplified: Response doesn’t contain key/name fields, but an http status code and empty body.
Less to no waiting time before Reonboarding a revoked endpoint: It doesn’t throw an OnboardingError, but is accepted since revoked endpoints are directly deleted.
Fast updates of routes: While in the old agrirouter you had to wait 2,5-5 minutes, in the new agrirouter the routes are available instantly.
Route handling has changed:
The concept of Groups was removed.
There are no more default groups instead.
Instead, “managed routes” will be created/deleted on endpoint creation. These managed routes can be disabled.
The concept of InformationTypes as a bundle of Technical MessageTypes was removed.
DDI filtering was removed and replaced by a simple routing of Telemetry messages in general.
MarketPlace was replaced with SolutionFinder.
dke:ping was added: The function can be used to check if an endpoint is still connected and existing in agrirouter. It is useful in case an endpoint was deleted in the agrirouter UI.
Export of metrics was removed. Since the business model changed a while ago, these metrics are not required anymore.
Router Devices can now have names. No more hustle with finding the correct routerDevice.
TAN/Registration Code is now valid for any CU. No choice of Communication Unit is required anymore to generate an onboarding Code.