iso:11783:-10:device_description:protobuf - Teamset/EFDI Device Description
The message iso:11783:-10:device_description:protobuf is used to understand, which machine is attached to which CU or Virtual CU and which machine provides which DDI. EFDI Device Descriptions are protobuf encoded, the data structure however is mainly equal to the form of an ISO11783-10 TaskData.
The proto file definining the format can be found in our Github repository.
This format is used to report devices that are attached to the agrirouter through a CU. These devices including the CU are known as a teamset, having their own teamsetID.
The teamset ID should preferably be a GUID.
The CUs defining the teamset ID have to make sure that they define it one-to-one and, optionally, in a deterministic way in regards to the contents of the device_description. This means that
The teamset ID has to change, for example, when
For information on filtering and assigning machines by their name, see ecosystem.
Command |
iso:11783:-10:device_description:protobuf |
Protobuf Schema |
TypeURL |
types.agrirouter.com/efdi.ISO11783_TaskData |
For the case of Device Description, only the property device needs to be filled! |
The result indicates if the teamset could be forwarded to an addressed endpoint or – if it was published – if there was a subscribed endpoint, who received the message. If no endpoint received the message, there will be an ACK_WITH_FAILURE
If a CU sends a teamset, applications are able to address messages directly to the devices. These messages are then delivered to the CU. |
In addition to the change-based sending of Device Descriptions described above, it would be beneficial to also send device descriptions
when the communication unit is powered on
at a regular interval between once per hour and once per day, depending on the use case and architecture of your solution
While not strictly technically necessary, these steps help in troubleshooting or automatic recovery in case any issues appear.
iso:11783:-10:time_log:protobuf - EFDI TimeLog
The EFDI timelog is comparable to IOSOXML Binary Log data.
The Message iso:11783:-10:time_log:protobuf includes a list of live telemetry data. For those live telemetry data, agrirouter is able to select only those DDIs to be forwarded to an endpoint that were selected by the end user when creating routings.
The proto file definining the format can be found in our Github repository.
EFDI Time Logs are as well comparable to ISO11783 TimeLogs.
Make sure that a timelog message never exceeds the limit of 1MB of data. If this should ever be the case in your app, split this message into multiple timelog messages. |
Please note that the device description has to be sent every time before the machine starts sending live telemetry data to ensure that all other endpoints are able to update their formerly received device descriptions and new endpoints get the latest updates as well. |
Content of Telemetry messages
Telematic sensor values are assigned to DDIs, a standardized list of possible sensor and task information. A full list can be found here: https://isobus.net.
The TimeLogs message includes a list of DDI numbers and their corresponding current values. The agrirouter can filter timelog messages for DDIs that are part of a routing. The categories have an informative character. The DDI list provides a number area for proprietary DDIs that can have a specific definition for each manufacturer.