Commands describing the endpoint
This chapter will list all messages to tell the agrirouter, what the endpoint is capable of, who it is and what it wants to receive.
Ping Command
The ping command is used to check if the endpoint still exists and to know whether agrirouter correctly processes messages.
This is mainly useful when using an MQTT router device, to recognize if an endpoint has been deleted by the user from the agrirouter UI. All other cases can be known to the application itself.
Capabilities Command
Every endpoint has to report its capabilities of sending and receiving messages after onboarding and when the capabilities change (e.g. an application functionality is extended by a new module). This is required by agrirouter to know if specific messages can be routed to an endpoint and to show the correct choosable Information Types in the User Interface for routing.
agrirouter specific commands are not part of the Capabilities, each application just has to support all of them. |
The list of technical message types can include any TechnicalMessageFormat mentioned in 17 Technical Message types.
Command |
dke:capabilities |
Protobuf Schema |
agrirouter.request.payload.endpoint.CapabilitySpecification |
TypeURL | |
Parameters are the following elements:
# | Name | Type | Description |
1 |
capabilities |
Array of capabilities |
The list of capabilities of this endpoint |
2 |
app_certification_id |
String |
The application ID assigned by agrirouter |
3 |
app_certification_version_id |
String |
The ID of the apps certification version |
4 |
enable_push_notifications |
PushNotification |
The activation state of push notifications |
The technical message type can be a technical message type of DKE or a proprietary message type.
# | Name | Type | Description |
1 |
technical_message_type |
String |
The name of the capability |
2 |
direction |
Direction |
The message direction that is part of the capabilities |
Direction can be one of those values:
Value | Direction |
0 |
Send |
1 |
Receive |
2 |
Send & Receive |
Those are the values of an enumeration, see protobuf files. See Capabilities.proto
This is the certification version ID received when creating the application version.
This setting activates or deactivates push notifications.
Possible values
Number |
Constant Name |
0 |
1 |
2 |
Sending the capabilities command will delete any subscription that was made from your application instance. It doesn’t matter if the capabilities changed, subscriptions are always deleted. Make sure, you send the subscriptions again after sending the capabilities. |
In the current release, In the future, especially when the load of agrirouter grows, enabled message push will lead to a pushing of messages bundled over a specific time frame. When this is implemented and activated, only It should however only be used if it is absolutely necessary and might have to be renewed after a while to lower the work load of agrirouter as much as possible. If message pushing is used in your software, please make sure you use enabled message push as long as you don’t require a close-to-realtime delivery. |
ResultCode |
Protobuf Schema |
None, simply 0 bytes |
TypeURL |
- |
The result is a simple ACK
If the same capabilities message is sent twice and the push notification status is not changed, an ACK_WITH_MESSAGES
will be returned with a message indicating that the capabilities did not change.
It is technically sufficient to send this command only once if no parameters change.
Nevertheless, to recover automatically from any issues, it does make sense to periodically resend this command. Recommended frequency is once per day.
"appCertificationId": "aef23ef23-442d-fada-dbde-44e5bcead",
"appCertificationVersionId": "233eefaf2-4488-44da-d5d2-55e5dcbad",
"enable_push_notifications": "ENABLED"
Subscription Command
The subscription command is used to subscribe for a list of technical message types. Being subscribed for a technical message type means that your endpoint will receive a message of such TMT, whenever any other endpoint sends such a TMT to "publish" and a routing between the sender and your applications endpoint is given.
To avoid mismatches between publishing applications and applications only receiving addressed messages, it is advised to subscribe for any technical message type and DDI your application shall handle if there are no specific reasons not to do so. |
The subscriptions command will only be successful if the respective capabilities have already been set. Be sure to await the acknowledgement of the capability command before sending the subscriptions command. |
The list of technical message types can include any TechnicalMessageFormat mentioned in the list of technical message types.
Command |
dke:subscription |
Protobuf Schema |
agrirouter.request.payload.endpoint.Subscription |
TypeURL | |
# | Name | Type | Description |
1 |
technical_message_type |
Subscription (Repeated) |
A list of subscriptions |
It is an array, each entry is of type agrirouter.request.payload.endpoint.MessageTypeSubscriptionItem
# | Name | Type | Description |
1 |
technical_message_type |
String |
The technical message type |
2 |
ddis |
uint32 (repeated) |
A list of ddis, only relevant for the EFDI telemetry message type |
3 |
position |
bool |
Shall the GPS position be delivered? Only relevant for EFDI telemetry message type |
The DDIs field is only required if the subscription is used for a subscription of Telemetry values. Same applies to Position.
ResultCode |
Protobuf Schema |
None; Simply 0 bytes of answer |
TypeURL |
- |
In case of success, an Acknowledgment is received.
In case of failure, an Acknowledgment with Message or an Acknowledgment with Failure is received. In both cases, the protobuf format will be agrirouter.commons.messages.
Errors will be reported using ACK_WITH_FAILURE
. For a list of possible errors, see the error list.
Sending a teamset using device Descriptions
The teamset describes a list of devices attached to the communication unit. The most common devices are agricultural machines connected to the CU as ISO11783-10 TaskControllers. For more information on ISO11783-10, please refer to
Please note that the device description has to be sent every time before the machine starts sending live telemetry data to ensure that all other endpoints are able to update their formerly received device descriptions and new endpoints get the latest updates as well. |
For the certification it is required to send the device description message multiple times. Therefore, it must either be sent on manual request (request must be performable by the test processing person) or on reconnection/restart of the application. |
For the format, please refer to iso:11783:-10:device_description:protobuf - Teamset/EFDI Device Description