Usage Metrics
agrirouter collects and measures all information (event types) regarding data exchange in real time. These metrics are provided weekly for download to software developers in an aggregated form. The event type is one of the following:
The aggregated result will have the following structure:
column | Comment |
appId |
Id of application for which the messaging events were recorded |
appProviderId |
Account id of the app provider account |
accountId |
Account id of the user account in which the event occured |
endpointId |
Endpoint for which the event was created |
eventType |
Event type, see below |
totalMessages |
Number of messages of app in account with given event type |
totalVolume |
Total volume of all messages (in bytes) |
averageDuration |
Averation duration in buffer of the messages (relevant only for CONFIRMED event) |
month |
Date of aggregate (month) |
day |
Date of aggregate (day) |
hour |
Date of aggregate (hour) |
year |
Date of aggregate (year) |
createdOn |
Creation date of the aggregate |
applicationVersionId |
Certification Version Id |
externalId |
External Id of the endpoint |
trialPeriod |
direction |
Event | Description |
Acknowledgment created by agrirouter in response to message. |
Message was confirmed by specified endpoint. |
Message was deleted by specified endpoint. |
Message was delivered to specified endpoint (but not yet confirmed). |
Message was returned because of an error (e. g. missing team context ID). |
Message was deleted, because the specified endpoint was deleted / offboarded. |
Message was sent by specified endpoint. |
Message was deleted because it timed out after 4 weeks. |
mark events of the inbox, all the other events are events of feed or outbox.
In any agrirouter developer account (account management → export metrics), these usage statistics can be exported for your applications.